- Radio Stations & Broadcast Companies, Cardiff By the Sea - Radio, Television & Publishers Representatives
- Real Estate, Cardiff By the Sea - Agent, Broker & Companies
- Real Estate Developers, Cardiff By the Sea
- Real Estate Management, Cardiff By the Sea
- Real Estate Rentals, Cardiff By the Sea
- Real Estate Services, Cardiff By the Sea
- Recreational Good Manufacturers, Cardiff By the Sea
- Religious Organizations, Cardiff By the Sea
- Repair Services, Cardiff By the Sea
- Research & Development Bureaus, Cardiff By the Sea - Commercial, Economic, Sociological & Educational Research
- Research Services, Cardiff By the Sea
- Residential, Cardiff By the Sea
- Residential Apartments, Cardiff By the Sea
- Residential Architect, Cardiff By the Sea
- Resorts & Hotels, Cardiff By the Sea
- Restaurants - Breakfast Brunch Lunch, Cardiff By the Sea
- Restaurants/Food & Dining, Cardiff By the Sea
- Roofing Consultants, Cardiff By the Sea - Roofing Companies
- Roofing Contractors, Cardiff By the Sea - Roof Repair, Cleaning, Installation & Maintenance - Roofers
- Rv Parks, Cardiff By the Sea