- Cabinets & Cabinet Hardware, Murphys
- Cafe Restaurants, Murphys
- Campgrounds, Murphys
- Camping Equipment Rental, Murphys
- Candy Manufacturers, Murphys
- Candy, Nut & Confectionery Wholesale & Retail, Murphys - Candy Stores
- Car Detailing & Wash Service, Murphys - Auto Detailing
- Car Wash, Cleaning, Wax & Polish Service, Murphys
- Carpet & Rug Cleaners Water Extraction & Restoration, Murphys
- Carpet Rug & Upholstery Cleaners, Murphys
- Carpet, Rug & Linoleum Flooring Dealers, Murphys
- Casino Hotels & Resorts, Murphys
- Casinos, Murphys
- Casual Dining Restaurants, Murphys
- Caterers Food Services, Murphys
- Catholic Churches, Murphys
- Charismatic Church, Murphys
- Child Care & Day Care Services, Murphys
- Christian Churches, Murphys
- Church Of Christ, Murphys
- Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, Murphys
- Churches 1 Of 3, Murphys
- Churches 2 Of 3, Murphys
- Churches Seventh Day Adventist, Murphys
- City & County Government, Murphys
- Cleaning & Maintenance Services, Murphys
- Cleaning Supplies & Products, Murphys
- Clothing Stores, Murphys - Clothes & Accessories
- CNC Machine Shop, Murphys
- Cocktail Lounges, Murphys
- Coffee, Murphys
- Coffee & Tea Stores, Murphys
- Community & Recreational Facilities, Murphys
- Community Church, Murphys
- Community Churches, Murphys
- Community Services, Murphys
- Computer & Audio Visual Services, Murphys
- Computer & Data Services, Murphys
- Computer & Laptop Repair, Murphys - PC Repair Services
- Computer Applications Networking Systems, Murphys
- Computer Database Service, Murphys
- Computer Manufacturers, Murphys
- Computer Repair, Murphys
- Computer System Consultants, Murphys - IT Consulting Services
- Computer System Designers & Consultants, Murphys
- Concrete Contractors, Murphys - Concrete Construction & Concrete Companies
- Concrete Handling Services, Murphys - Concrete Pumping
- Condiments & Sauces, Murphys
- Congregational Church, Murphys
- Construction, Murphys
- Construction Services, Murphys
- Consultants & Services, Murphys
- Consulting Services, Murphys - Internet Consultants
- Convenience Stores, Murphys
- Convention & Meeting Facilities, Murphys - Meeting Rooms
- Cooking Oils & Shortenings, Murphys
- Counseling Behavioral, Murphys
- Counseling Services, Murphys
- Country Clubs, Murphys
- Covenant Churches, Murphys
- Custom Furniture, Murphys - Furniture Designers & Custom Builders