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Irvine Florists - Flower Shops

Local Businesses: 23

A Beautiful Irvine Florist

2575 Mccabe Way
Irvine, CA 92614-4235
(949) 651-0344
Categories: Florists

Azar's Florist

2575 Mccabe Way
Irvine, CA 92614-4235
(949) 651-0344
Categories: Florists

Azar's Florist

19900 Macarthur Boulevard
Irvine, CA 92612-2445
(949) 757-9461
Karen Servin (Owner)
Categories: Florists

Beverly Hills Florist And Gardens

19800 Macarthur Boulevard Suite F10
Irvine, CA 92612-2462
(949) 757-9461
Categories: Florists

Blooms And Bears Florist And Gifts

2222 Michelson Drive Suite 230
Irvine, CA 92612-1313
(949) 252-9419 +view more
Lu Schwab (Owner)
Products: Flowers For All Occasions, Weddings, Get Well, Accessories, Halloween, Plush…
Services: Corporate Accounts, Events, Funerals, New Born, Accessories, Business Accounts,…
Categories: Florists

Botanico Inc

2211 Martin
Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 486-1501
Categories: Florists, Plants, Trees, Flowers & Seeds

Botanico Inc

17520 Von Karman Avenue
Irvine, CA 92614-6208
(949) 752-1780
Categories: Florists, Plants, Trees, Flowers & Seeds

Conroy's Flowers - Irvine

3965 Alton Parkway Suite A
Irvine, CA 92606-8273
(949) 252-1116 +view more
Rehy Nistanaki (Owner)
Categories: Florists, Flowers, Plants & Trees - Silk, Dried, Etc - Retail & Supplies

Corona Del Mar Florist & Gardens

19900 Macarthur Boulevard
Irvine, CA 92612-2445
(949) 757-9461
Categories: Florists

Crystal Rose Flowers

13 Weepingwood
Irvine, CA 92614-5491
(949) 786-2797
Margaret Towle (Owner)
Categories: Florists, Wedding Supplies & Bridal Shops, Wedding Ceremony Locations & Wedding Venues

Edible Arrangements

3995 Irvine Boulevard
Irvine, CA 92602-2400
(714) 368-3386
Products: Anniversaries, Birthdays, Chocolate, Fresh Food, Fruit, Gift Baskets, Gift…
Services: Anniversaries, Birthdays, Gift Baskets, Graduations, Local Deliveries, Designs
Categories: Gift Baskets, Florists, Candy, Nut & Confectionery Wholesale & Retail

Executive Coach The

44 Cedar Tree Lane
Irvine, CA 92612-2203
(949) 786-0786
Categories: Florists

Flowery Of Irvine

18003 Sky Park Circle Suite D
Irvine, CA 92614-6543
(949) 955-1515
Tina Kamcli (Owner)
Categories: Florists

French Buckets

19782 Macarthur Boulevard
Irvine, CA 92612-2452
(949) 759-0404
Categories: Florists

Grand Floral Events

17962 Sky Park Circle Suite East
Irvine, CA 92614-4410
(949) 752-7372 +view more
Albert Darmousseh (Manager)
Categories: Florists

Irvine Florist & Exotic Garden

2211 Martin
Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 752-1794
Categories: Florists

Irvine Florist & Gardens

2575 Mccabe Way
Irvine, CA 92614-4235
(949) 651-9724 +view more
Categories: Florists

Irvine Florist Ltd Inc

2211 Martin
Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 752-1797 +view more
Products: Bouquets, Fountains & Waterfalls, Fresh-Cut Flowers, Gift Baskets, Gourmet…
Services: Worldwide
Categories: Florists

Irvine Village Flowers

15415 Jeffrey Road Suite 102
Irvine, CA 92618-4103
(949) 653-2600 +view more
X Hung (Owner)
Products: Arrangements, Bouquets, Fresh Flowers, Fresh-Cut Flowers, Plants, Roses, Floral…
Services: Business Services, Corporate Accounts, Video Production
Categories: Florists, Wedding Ceremony Locations & Wedding Venues

Newport Coast Florists & Gardens

19900 Macarthur Boulevard
Irvine, CA 92612-2445
(949) 757-9461
Categories: Florists

Nika Inc

14725 Jeffrey Road
Irvine, CA 92618-0401
(949) 551-4262
Categories: Florists

Parkview Forist & Gardens

2575 Mccabe Way
Irvine, CA 92614-4235
(949) 651-0344 +view more
Categories: Florists

Weddings And Events

1682 Langley Avenue
Irvine, CA 92614-5620
(949) 250-7803
Xaviera Pepe (Owner)
Categories: Florists
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